by Hospitality Softnet | Oct 31, 2020 | General
En el competitivo mercado hotelero actual, un buen conocimiento de la competencia y de la situación actual del mercado es fundamental para el éxito de su hotel. A menudo, esta valiosa información puede ser difícil de obtener, especialmente en el caso de los negocios de grupos o LNR. Dada su...
by Hospitality Softnet | Oct 23, 2020 | General
Hospitality Softnet’s Teleprospecting Services, the Team, provides a valuable complement to your existing direct sales efforts. Designed to generate maximum sales, theTeam is a cost-effective way to ensure that an aggressive teleprospecting effort is in place...
by Hospitality Softnet | Oct 12, 2020 | General
Developed by seasoned hospitality professionals our online e-Learning suite, theCampus, provides an industry proven interactive training environment for hotel Sales, Catering, and Reservations. Developed exclusively for the hotel industry, theCampus allows hospitality...
by Hospitality Softnet | Oct 6, 2020 | General
Over the past few weeks, we’ve all seen the headlines and heard of the major relief efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, which devastated the Houston area and Hurricane Irma that seriously impacted the entire State of Florida. As a company, Hospitality Softnet has 42...
por Hospitalidad Softnet | 26-sep-2020 | General
Una vez más, Hospitality Softnet lidera la industria con innovación tecnológica. Extremadamente fácil de usar, laAPP le permite solicitar programas de formación en ventas hoteleras, inteligencia operativa y programas de teleprospección desde su ordenador de sobremesa, teléfono móvil o cualquier...