Evaluate Your Team’s Skills with Electronic Inquiries
Electronic Inquiry Shop
This mystery shop is a great way to evaluate how your sales and catering team respond to inquiries that are submitted to the hotel electronically versus via phone.
Evaluate the
sales process
This can be either through the brand web site, email, or even through Meeting Industry web sites. The entire sales process is evaluated starting with the first response received, as well as the Qualification Process, Presentation, Overcoming Objections, and Closing and Follow-up. If electronic inquiries are a significant part of your business, this tool will help you evaluate your team’s strengths and will also help determine where additional training or fine-tuning is needed to ensure a high closure rate to win the sale.
Our Mystery Shopping Program for Hotel Sales and Catering is a terrific complement to your own ongoing sales training. On a year-round basis, we provide you and your staff with positive training tools that will help fine-tune individual selling skills.
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